Provoking Change. Delivering Growth.

IT Recruitment and Consultancy

IT PROvocator is company specialized in providing services in the field of
IT recruitment and consultancy towards IT companies and teams. 

About Us

IT PROvocator could be your trustworthy partner in setting up entirely new teams as well as growing already existing teams. Our cooperation aims at reaching a common goal – on one hand, hiring suitable IT professionals dedicated to your business in the long term, and on the other hand – creating a working environment which would further develop the IT specialists’ skills and give them the feeling of “being in the right place, at the right time”. Our technical recruiters are the “IT PRO” guides who will consult, direct and support every IT professional who is ready to taka the next career step. With them you could talk about the important things – from microservices to remote opportunities and everything that is essential for you and your work.


IT PROvocator’s mission is to assert the meaning, the value and the benefit of providing competent and speciliased IT recruitment service among the high-tech companies and professionals within the IT Industry.


Тo establish new standards in the IT Recruitment profession. We strive to create a recruitment model, applicable worldwide and to achieve new levels of productivity among the companies, career satisfaction and a fulfilling professional development for the people.





IT PROvocator chooses an individual, proactive and technology-driven approach leading to a long-term contribution and growth for the business and the people. Our goal is to build long-term relationships in order to be beneficial in every step of the development of the companies and of the IT professionals

Our Services

IT Recruitment: For Business

IT PROvocator provides highly qualified and specialized IT recruitment services. So far, we have built partnerships with companies that are establishing new teams in Bulgaria, but we have also partnered with with already developed companies that are growing their teams with new colleagues. IT PROvocators’ service is based on IT business knowledge, precise profiling and proactive attraction of suitable professionals.

IT PROvocator’s service is entirely success-based and includes:

  • In-depth understanding of the business, people and technology stack
  • Covering all roles, part of SDLC, including levels from junior specialist to executive directors.
  • Variety of technological profiles and a wide network of established contacts
    Identifying and attracting the most suitable people for your company
  • Technology-driven recruiters
  • Proactive contact
  • Individual approach
  • Interviewing and PROfiling
  • Providing constant feedback from the industry and the people
  • We know how to talk about your business and help you build the best name for yourself
  • Speeding up the recruitment process

IT Recruitment: For Candidates

At IT PROvocator we understand the importance and the impact of every career change on your life and the professional development. Therefore, our approach is highly individual and is led by your professional and personal needs. We believe that every role that we offer to you is a higher level in your career development and you will only receive opportunities corresponding to your technological expertise and previous experience.

At IT PROvocator you will find:

  • Your next suitable career step.
  • Personal career consultant at every stage of your career development.
  • Interview preparation
  • Assistance in creating a professional resume
  • Accurate and clear market information which would save you time and energy for prolonged research
  • Building a long-term relationship

Additional Services


Market Survey

B2B Contractors

Constant support and feedback

Positions based on your needs

Our Awesome Team

Vera Shiderova

Vera Shiderova

Operations Manager- Technical Recruitment at IT PROvocator, Founder

Mihaela Rafaelova

Mihaela Rafaelova

Technical Recruitment Manager at IT PROvocator, Co-Founder

Marina Drakova

Marina Drakova

Team Lead- Technical Recruitment at IT PROvocator

Zornitsa Doganova

Zornitsa Doganova

Administrative Manager and Senior Technical Recruiter at IT PROvocator

Angelina Stoilova

Angelina Stoilova

Technical Recruiter at IT PROvocator

Simeon Kostov

Simeon Kostov

Technical Recruiter at IT PROvocator

Dayana Yaneva

Dayana Yaneva

Technical Recruiter at IT PROvocator

Our Partners

Our Blog

IT PROvocator team at DEV.BG All in One 2020

IT PROvocator team will participate in the annual conference DEV.BG All in One 2020. Meet the team for a free consultation at the virtual booth during the event DEV.BG All in One on 29.08.2020. Join us!

ITPROvocator is а Gold Partner of DEV.BG All in One 2020 conference.

ITPROvocator is а Gold Partner of DEV.BG All in One 2020 conference.

ITPROvocator е златен спонсор на DEV.BG All in One 2020. IT PROvocator е компания, която специализира в сферата на подбор на ИТ специалисти, консултиране на ИТ компании и екипи. IT PROvocator е...

People in the IT sector are highly motivated to develop, to grow.

People in the IT sector are highly motivated to develop, to grow.

Михаела Рафаелова работи в областта на набиране на кадри за IT сектора. Самата тя определя професията си като много нова, развиваща се и все още без твърди стандарти. В почти всички сфери, в които...


“IT PROvocator’s time management skills, high-caliber knowledge of the market and clear and focused attitude towards every new IT position, are truly phenomenal. Thanks to their outstanding ability to match the right IT professionals to the open positions in the company, we have managed to hire some of the best IT specialists in their field, who are still part of our team and keep contributing to the company products and success.”


Paysafe Recruitment Manager

“I have been working closely with IT PROvocator for a couple of years now – the collaboration between us has always been great! Their approach is focused on client satisfaction and maintaining healthy and strong partnership, while presenting top-notch IT talents even on a highly competitive and scarce market. We have numerous successful placements together, and I would highly recommend them as a trusted partner. Furthermore, their positive approach and in-depth understanding of the profiles adds additional value and enhances the recruitment experience in the most positive way possible.”


GfK Recruitment Specialist (CTO/CPO)

“ITPROvocator is the right place! Trust me. Amazing professional approach with attention to every detail on every step. The process was very smooth. The team paid attention to every priority I had. All of them were extremely positive, with very good technical knowledge to build the right profile of me and match the best place for my future career development. Thank you for your effort!”


Java Developer

IT PROVocator

Get in Touch

6 Shipka Str., 1504 Sofia, BULGARIA

+359 877 856 010


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